This article is more than 1 year old
Agriculture Victoria review of duty on sale of sheep and goats
Published on 27 August 2019
Agriculture Victoria is currently reviewing the duty amount charged on the sale of sheep and goats to ensure that the duty is set at an appropriate level to deliver and support programs that are of most benefit to the industry.
The public consultation is seeking feedback from participants in the sheep and goat meat, wool and relevant dairy industries, as well as anyone else interested in having their say, on six options for changes to the duty.
Producers selling sheep and goats in Victoria currently pay a duty set at 12 cents per head. Monies collected for the duty are paid into the Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund (SGCF), which is established under the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 (LDC Act).
The duty amount paid on the sale of sheep and goats is set by the Duties Act 2000 and is presently set at 12 cents per head, which was set in 1999.
Producers selling sheep and goats either pay the duty directly to the State Revenue Office or their livestock agent collects and pays it on their behalf.
Consultation extension
Please note that consultation was originally due to close on Monday 2 September 2019. This has been extended and now closes at 5pm on Thursday 31 October 2019.
More information about the consultation is available on the Engage Victoria website.