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For a property to enter the commercial and industrial property tax (CIPT) reform the property must have a ‘qualifying use’ under the Australian Valuation Property Classification Code (AVPCC) at the relevant time. 

Certain prescribed student accommodation also has a qualifying use. 

Each separate occupancy on a property is allocated an AVPCC under the Valuation of Land Act 1960 (Vic). The AVPCC is displayed on the council rates valuation notice for the property.

Property with one or more AVPCC within the prescribed range

If a property has been allocated one or more AVPCC all of which are in the following prescribed range, the land will have a qualifying use for CIPT:

  • 200-299 (commercial)
  • 300-399 (industrial)
  • 400-499 (extractive industries)
  • 600-699 (infrastructure and utilities).

Examples of commercial and industrial property include a retail premises, an office and a warehouse.

Learn more about AVPCCs.

Whether property has a qualifying use for the CIPT reform is determined on a title-by-title basis. 

Example 1

Rose owns a commercial retail property in regional Victoria recorded on a single certificate of title. The land has been allocated AVPCC 210 (retail premises) in the most recent council rates valuation notice for the property.

The property has a qualifying use for purposes of the CIPT reform.

Example 2

Arjun owns 2 blocks of land in Melbourne that are adjacent to each other. The land is separately titled. One of the titles has an office building that has been allocated AVPCC 220 (office premises). The adjacent property is a detached residential dwelling that has been allocated AVPCC 110 (detached dwelling.

The property on which the office premises is affixed has a qualifying use for the purposes of the CIPT reform.

The property on which the detached residential dwelling is affixed does not have a qualifying use for the purposes of the CIPT reform.

Mixed use land

Property may be allocated more than one AVPCC, one or more of which is in the prescribed range and one or more AVPCC may be outside the prescribed range. In this case, the property will have a qualifying use if it is used solely or primarily for one of the prescribed uses. The primary use of property is determined by the Commissioner.

If the sole or primary test indicates that property with several occupancies has a qualifying use, then the CIPT reform will apply to the entire mixed use property if there is an entry transaction.

The concept of property being used solely or primarily for a particular purpose is not a new concept. For example, it is already a feature of the regime for foreign purchaser additional duty and for the primary production land tax exemption.

Although no single factor is determinative, the factors that the Commissioner may take into account to determine the sole or primary use of property include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The area of land over which each use extends. The area of floor space of the building that is used for a qualifying use and a non-qualifying use respectively. If more than 50% of the floor space is designed and built for a qualifying use, an inference could be drawn that the building is primarily used for a qualifying use.
  • Intensity of use. The intensity of the qualifying versus non-qualifying use. For example, if 70% of the building is designed to be used as a professional office suite and the other 30% of the building is designed to be used as a single apartment for a couple or small family, there is a greater intensity of the qualifying use.
  • Level of investment. The level of investment undertaken by the landowner. A greater investment in the component of the building designed for a qualifying use provides an inference that the land could be used primarily for a qualifying use. 
  • Amount of return on investment (if each use provides a return on investment). Where a greater proportion of the return is derived from that part of the building that has a qualifying use, it is more likely that the land will have a qualifying use.
  • Zoning of land. The zoning of the land as well as any overlays, planning restrictions or covenants which impact the purpose or intended purpose of the land and buildings. For example, land that is located in a commercial zone and is limited to specific non-commercial purposes is more likely to have a qualifying use.

It is the current use of the property by the landowner that is determinative of whether mixed use land has a qualifying use. A potential purchaser of mixed use property may intend to use the property primarily for a use described in the prescribed range.

However, in determining whether mixed use property has a qualifying use at a particular time, it is the actual use of the property that is relevant rather than possible future use of the property by the current landowner or a potential purchaser of the property.

A key question of characterisation for mixed use property is whether the use of the property imparts on the property the necessary character of it being used primarily used for that use. To this end, the use of the property must not be minimal, slight, intermittent or spasmodic to be considered the sole or primary use.

Example 3

Ethan owns a property in inner city Melbourne that is registered on a single certificate of title. A 2-level building is located on the property and both levels are tenanted. Three professional suites of various health practitioners operate from the ground floor. The second floor is used as 2 residential dwellings, one of which is vacant. The property has been allocated an AVPCC that is within the prescribed range and a AVPCC that is outside the prescribed range reflecting the mixed use of the property.

Wei is considering making an offer to purchase the property from Ethan and wants to know if the land has a qualifying use. During due diligence, Wei identifies that the most recent valuation shows that the property has been allocated an AVPCC within the prescribed range and an AVPCC outside of the prescribed range.

The property will have a qualifying use if it is used solely or primarily for a use within the prescribed range. As the property is used for residential and commercial purposes, it is necessary to weigh the respective uses against one another.

In this example, the property will have a qualifying use as:

  • more than 50% of the floor space of the building is used for a commercial use
  • the amount of capital expenditure, current expenditure, revenue and profit attributable to the commercial use is more significant than for the residential use.

To obtain certainty as to whether the mixed use property has a qualifying use, Wei could apply to the Commissioner for a private ruling.

Student accommodation

A property will have a qualifying use if it is used solely or primarily as eligible student accommodation. Eligible student accommodation means residential premises that are:

  • designed for occupation by students of a higher education provider; and
  • occupied or available for occupation by students of a higher education provider; and
  • "commercial residential premises" within the meaning of section 195-1 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 of the Commonwealth (GST Act).

The definition of commercial residential premises in the GST Act in this content requires that the premises must not be used to provide accommodation to students “in connection” with a higher education institution (e.g. a university). If it is, then the premises will not be commercial residential premises and will consequently not be eligible student accommodation (i.e. it will not have a qualifying use). In this context, there are a broad range of factors to be considered when determining if a property provides accommodation to students "in connection with" a higher education institution and no single factor is determinative. 

Examples of premises that are not commercial residential premises and therefore not eligible student accommodation include:

  • university or tertiary college owned and run residential accommodation
  • privately owned accommodation let to a university or tertiary college for student accommodation
  • privately owned and run accommodation for students of a particular higher education institution under an arrangement or agreement with that institution.

Example 4

ABC Pty Ltd provides student accommodation to university students in connection with XYZ University, a provider of higher education. XYZ University has significant input in the running of the student accommodation provided by ABC Pty Ltd and preference is given to students of XYZ University.

Taking into these and other factors into account, the student accommodation provided ABC Pty Ltd is not commercial residential premises within the meaning of the GST Act. Accordingly, the student accommodation is not eligible student accommodation for CIPT purposes and the property does not have a qualifying use.

Example 5

Sample Enterprise Pty Ltd owns property on which a building is affixed which was designed for student accommodation and provides student accommodation to university students. Sample Enterprise Pty Ltd is not owned by any higher education institution and the student accommodation is not affiliated with any higher education institution. Sample Enterprise Pty Ltd determines pricing arrangements for the accommodation and the services provided to students with no input from any higher education institution. Students attending any higher education institution are eligible to apply to reside in the student accommodation.

Taking into account these factors and other considerations, the student accommodation provided by ABC Solutions Pty Ltd is commercial residential premises within the meaning of the GST Act. Accordingly, the student accommodation is eligible student accommodation for CIPT purposes and the land has a qualifying use.

Last modified: 29 July 2024
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