Object to a commercial passenger vehicle service levy assessment
If you receive a commercial passenger vehicle service levy assessment or reassessment notice that you disagree with, you can lodge an objection via our online portal. An objection is a formal internal review for resolving disputes about assessments and is handled by a person independent of the original decision.
Your objection must challenge the legal basis of the assessment and highlight the particular aspects that you consider incorrect.
You must lodge your objection within 60 days of receiving your assessment or it can be refused at our discretion. If you are lodging your objection after this time, you must provide reasons for the delay.
Where to object
Log in to the online portal and select the ‘object to an assessment’ button located in the ‘assessments’ section.
Read the declaration and select the checkboxes to proceed.
Select a postal address
You can choose to have the outcome of your objection sent to the postal address you provided when you registered for the levy or you can nominate another address. For example, you may choose to have it sent to your accountant.
Objection details
Select the checkboxes alongside the assessment or assessments you are objecting to.
You can then object to the:
- amount of the levy
- interest charges
- penalty tax.
Use the text boxes to explain why you are objecting. Remember, your objection must challenge the legal basis of the assessment and highlight the particular aspects that you consider incorrect.
Attach documents
If you would like to provide documents to support your objection, select ‘choose file’ and attach the relevant files. You can attach up to 5 files.
Submit your objection
Select ‘submit’ and your objection and any supporting documents will be lodged with us.
You will receive a message confirming your submission.
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