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Sections: s57 D (1) (b) and (2)

Lodgement category: Unrelated transfers with concession


At the same time as the first transaction the natural person declares a trust in favour of the financial institution in relation to the natural person’s beneficial interest in the land (the second transaction) and the financial institution leases its interest in the land to the natural person for a fixed term. 

The second transaction is exempt.


  1. Digital Duties Form.
  2. The declaration of trust by the natural person.
  3. The agreement entered into between the natural person and the financial institution.
  4. The lease of the financial institutions beneficial interest to the natural person for a fixed term.
  5. A copy of the duly stamped transfer to the natural person. 


Lodge documents after settlement directly with the State Revenue Office

Lodge documents after settlement directly with the State Revenue Office

Last modified: 17 December 2024

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