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All contracts or agreements for land transfer (stamp) duty must be completed using the Digital Duties Form.

Find help with completing the Digital Duties Form

  1. Register


    If you are representing yourself and want to complete your own Digital Duties Form, please register via our public lodgement system.

    Taxpayer representatives

    All transferor and transferee representatives must be registered for Duties Online (DOL).

    Existing Duties Online users must amend their registration to enable access and new organisations must apply to become a registered Duties Online user.

    To amend registration in Duties Online:

    • Go to the ‘Administration’ tab and select ‘Amend Your Registration’.
    • Select ‘Edit Types of Documents’ and select the ‘Duties Form’ check box.
    • Continue to ‘Registered Users’ in step 3 and nominate each user you want to grant access to by selecting ‘Edit’. 
    • Once the amended application is confirmed, it auto-approves within 15 minutes.
  2. Start the Digital Duties Form and enter transferor information

    If you are the transferor’s representative (or if you are representing yourself as the transferor), you must create the Digital Duties Form. 

    You start the form, because you are responsible for completing all the contract-related information that pre-populates into the transferee form.

    In Duties Online:

    • Go to the ‘Create’ tab.
    • Elect ‘Land Transfer Duty Form’.

    As the transferor's representative, you should complete the form at least 10 days before settlement to allow the transferee's representative sufficient time to complete their part of the form.

    The transferee’s representative is then invited to complete their section of the form.

  3. Complete transferee information

    If you are the transferee's representative, you will receive an email and need to select the link, accept the invitation and log in. In the 'Search' tab under 'All forms', edit the transferee form by selecting the button under 'Actions'.

    Complete the remainder of the information, including any applicable concessions.

  4. Sign the Digital Duties Form

    Once both the transferor’s and transferee’s representatives have completed all the data entry and the verification of identity, they invite their clients to sign.

    Online signing 

    Select ‘Request Signature’ to email your client the link to their completed form. Your client can accept and sign via a tick-box or decline. Either way, the representative will receive an email when their client signs or declines.

    Note: It is very important to get your client's date of birth correct within the form as it must match the date of birth they are asked to enter before they can sign the form. If, as a client, you attempt to sign the form and the system will not accept your birth date, contact your representative and ask them to check the birth date they have entered. If they have entered your birth date incorrectly, they can correct it and send a new email requesting you to sign the form.

    Manual signing 

    Select 'Download' and then print the completed form for your client to sign manually. You must acknowledge in Duties Online that you hold a hard copy of your client’s signed and completed form. You must retain this document for 5 years.

    Self-represented individuals

    In Duties Online, select 'Action' and then 'Manage signatories' in the drop-down menu. Select 'Sign form' for form signing. 

  5. Proceed to settlement

    A settlement statement, containing a unique form ID and settlement statement code, is produced by the transferee’s representative. 

  6. Assess the duty payable

    Transferee's representative

    Once the Digital Duties Form has been reviewed and signed by all parties, the transferee's representative can start a transaction in Duties Online:

    1. Hover over the ‘Create’ tab and select ‘Retrieve & Claim ELNO Lodgement (Electronic Transfer)’.
    2. Enter the ELNO Lodgement Case ID and the SRO Case Reference numbers obtained from your ELNO, then select ‘Retrieve’.
    3. Select ‘Claim’ to proceed.
    4. Enter your Form ID and select ‘Link’.
    5. Review the duty estimate and transaction information and, if everything is correct, select ‘Calculate Duty’.
    6. To accept the duty estimate, select 'Acknowledge' then ‘Certify’ to complete the process.

    The system will determine the lodgement category based on the ELNO lodgement and the Digital Duties Form data.

    If the system determines the lodgement category to be a complex lodgement, the State Revenue Office will manually assess it. You need to upload all supporting documents and submit the lodgement to the State Revenue Office for manual processing at least 30 days before the scheduled settlement date.

    Paper settlements cannot be processed via an ELNO. They must be submitted for assessment by selecting ‘Retrieve & Claim Settlement Statement (Paper Transfer)’.

    Self-representing individuals

    Once the Digital Duties Form has been reviewed and signed by all parties, you can resume your lodgement and lodge the form and supporting documents by selecting ‘Lodge’, which is located in the blue drop-down menu under ‘Actions’ on the far right of the ‘Your forms’ screen.

    The State Revenue Office will manually assess your lodgement and notify you of the result by email. 

Next Steps

For ELNO lodgements, when the transaction settles in ELNO, the ELNO will transfer the duty payable to the SRO and simultaneously lodge the titles with Land Use Victoria

If you have submitted a paper settlement, once the transaction is complete in Duties Online, the taxpayer or the taxpayer’s legal representatives will need to lodge the titles with Electronic Registries Victoria.

Last modified: 15 May 2024

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