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If you disagree with an assessment or a decision in relation to an application for a grant or payment, you should contact us because it may be possible to resolve the issue.

If the matter cannot be resolved and you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, you can lodge an objection.

What is an objection?

An objection is an internal review by an officer who is separate from and independent of those involved in the original decision.

When should I lodge an objection?

You can lodge an objection if you are dissatisfied with a tax assessment or a decision relating to an application for a First Home Owner Grant or Back to Work payment. An objection must be lodged within 60 days after the date of the assessment or decision. This 60-day period is a strict time-frame and applies even if you contact us to try and resolve your issue before lodging a formal objection.

How do I lodge an objection?

An objection must be made in writing and set out why you want the assessment/decision reviewed. Find out more about lodging an objection.

Seeking an external review

If you disagree with the outcome of a decision in relation to your objection, you can ask for an external review by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. 

More about objections and appeals

Dispute resolution

Alongside the formal processes available to you, we are open to resolving disputes through early and informal negotiations and dispute resolution.

More about dispute resolution

Last modified: 19 July 2024
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