This article is more than 1 year old
New procedures for people making public interest disclosures
Published on 02 January 2020
As of today, 1 January 2020, Victoria’s integrity regime has been strengthened via the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012, which was formerly known as the Protected Disclosure Act 2012.
To reflect the revised legislation, we have prepared comprehensive Public Interest Disclosures Procedures that apply in relation to both employees and members of the public making disclosures.
The new guide outlines how to make a public interest disclosure, what they can be made about, what happens when they are made, and provides information about the protections a discloser receives.
The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (the Act):
- Reinforces the requirement for public servants to maintain the highest standards of behaviour, which in turn builds community confidence and trust in government.
- Provides protection to people blowing the whistle on public sector corruption and wrongdoing.
The State Revenue Office does not tolerate corrupt or improper conducts by its employees and contractors, and encourages anyone to report known or suspected incidences of corrupt or improper conduct. We do not take reprisals against those disclosing such conduct.
The State Revenue Office is not authorised to receive disclosures under the Act. If you want to be covered by the protections enshrined in the Act, you must report the conduct directly to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC).
IBAC, with the discloser’s consent, can also determine that a matter be better dealt with outside the public interest disclosure system.